The Freecad User Book

Assembly 3 Glossary of Terms


Freecad, Assembly 3, Glossary.


(1) A container for objects that generate geometry elements, such as a Part Design Body, a Part, a solid, or other Assembly objects.

(2) Parent node for Parts, Connectors and Constraints group nodes.


Synonyms: Assembly constraint.

(1) Defines a spatial relationship between geometry objects, and thereby reduces the degree of freedom between them.

(2) Child node of the Constraint Connectors node in the Model Tree, parent node of ConnectorLink nodes.


Synonmys: Constraint Connector, Element.

(1) Binds to a geometry element of a Part on one side, and bound to by a ConnectorLink on the other side, thereby connecting a Constraint to a geometry element of a Part.

(2) Child node of the Connectors group node.

Synonyms: ElementLink.

Child node of a Constraint node. Links to a Connector (hence the name).


Synonyms: Constraint Connectors, Elements.

Child node of the Assembly node, parent of Connector nodes.

Degree of Freedom (DOF)

Ability to move in the direction of the coordinate system directions, and rotate across them. A DOF of zero means that the spatial relationship between them is fixed, e. g. by a glue or welding joint.


Synonym for Connector.


Synonym for Connectors.


(1) Synonym for a Link, a lightweight, transparent copy of another object.

(2) Term borrowed from object-oriented programming languages.

Synonyms: Instance of an object.

(1) A light-weight copy of the linked object.

(2) A node in the Model Tree that links to and represents another node in the model tree, or a node in a different Freecad document.

Some properties of a Link node are transparent, which creates a light-weight copy of the referenced object. Other properties are opaque, which enables a link object to have its own set of properties, such as Placement or color.


Attach one component to another, usually with a help of an Assembly Constraint.

Related: Mating Interface.

Mating Interface

Geometry element that suits to be bound to a Connector, sometime used as synonym for Connector.

Related: Mating.

Opaque Property

Property of a Link, not owned by the linked object. An opaque property can hide the same-named property of the linked object, or introduce a new property which does not exist on the linked object.


(1) Represents a Freecad object that generates a geometry, such a Part Design Body, a Freecad structural Part, an object generated by the Part Workbench. The list is not complete.

(2) Child node of a Parts group node in an Assembly node.


Child node of an Assembly node, parent for Part nodes.



(1) An Assembly contained in a parent Assembly.

(2) An Assembly node in the Parts collection of an Assembly node. Assemblies can be nested to any depth, thereby creating a tree structure of parts.

Transparent Property

A property owned by linked object, published by the Link object. Transparent properties allow the creation of lightweight copies of an object.